Jesse Laprade


A todo-list program for the command line.


A screenshot of a user adding and removing items from their todo list in a terminal

Table of contents


This is a hobby project I built for myself to keep track of todos related to my hobbies.

I take no responsibility for anything that rodo deletes.

Backup anything you don’t want deleted.

Conventions used in this document


Below is a list of platforms that rodo can run on:


The following items must be downloaded and installed before you can use rodo:

Quick start

This section is for users who are familiar with git, a Unix-like command line environment, or scripting.

  1. Make sure Racket is installed
  2. git clone
  3. cd rodo
  4. sudo make install-global
  5. rodo

Note: To uninstall, run sudo make uninstall-global

Note: You may need to run rodo ls to see which number corresponds to which item in your list before running rodo rm <number>

Downloading rodo

rodo’s source code exists in a public git repository. This makes accessing the code convenient, because you don’t need to sign in or register for an account to download it.

Downloading rodo using git

You can use tools such as git to download rodo’s source code. You need the source code to install rodo.

To download rodo using git
  1. Run git clone

Note: This creates a rodo directory in your current directory.

Installing rodo

You can either install rodo globally or locally on your system. A global installation allows all users on a machine to use rodo, while a local installation only allows one user to use rodo.

See the options below for installing rodo:

Installing rodo globally

This option installs rodo into /usr/local/bin/.

This section assumes you have downloaded rodo.

To install rodo globally
  1. Run cd rodo
  2. Run sudo make install-global

Installing rodo locally

This option installs rodo into ~/.local/bin/.

This section assumes you have downloaded rodo.

To install rodo locally
  1. Run cd rodo
  2. Run sudo make install-local

Installing rodo to a custom directory

If you wish to have rodo exist elsewhere on your system, you can also compile a single-file executable. Compiling a single-file executable allows you to place the executable in convenient places on your system, such as a directory on your $PATH.

This section assumes you have downloaded rodo.

To install rodo to a custom directory

Warning: You need to manually uninstall custom installations

  1. Run cd rodo
  2. Run make install-custom location=~/path/to/custom/location

Example: In step 2., you could run make install-custom location=~/bin/

Uninstalling rodo

Depending on your installation method, you can uninstall a global or local installation of rodo.

See the options below for uninstalling rodo:

Uninstalling rodo globally

This option removes the rodo executable from /usr/local/bin/.

This section assumes you have downloaded rodo.

To uninstall rodo globally
  1. Run cd rodo
  2. Run sudo make uninstall-global

Uninstalling rodo locally

This option removes the rodo executable from ~/.local/bin/.

This section assumes you have downloaded rodo.

To uninstall rodo locally
  1. Run cd rodo
  2. Run sudo make uninstall-local

Using rodo

This section teaches you how to use rodo’s commands.

This section assumes you have installed rodo.

Initializing rodo

Before using rodo, you need to initialize it. This means rodo creates a ~/.rodo file.

To initialize rodo
  1. Run rodo init
  2. Choose y

Showing the help message

The help message provides a list of available commands. This is list useful in case you forget the name of a command or how to use a command.

To show the help message
  1. Run rodo help

Displaying your list

Displaying your list allows you to view the items you have added to your list.

Note: You need to reference the numbers beside each item in the list when you want to remove items from your list. For more information, see the Removing an Item from Your List topic.

To display your list
  1. Run rodo ls

Adding an item to your list

Adding an item to your list saves it to a text file to access later.

To add an item to your list
  1. Run rodo add "this is an example of an item using double quotation marks"

Removing an item from your list

When removing an item from your list, you can reference the numbers beside each item when Displaying Your List. You can use these numbers when removing an item from your list.

To remove an item from your list
  1. Run rodo rm 1

Note: You may need to run rodo ls first to see which numbers correspond with which item in your list.

Changing the text of an item in your list

When changing an item in your list, you can reference the numbers beside each item when Displaying your list.

To change the text of an item in your list
  1. Run rodo update 2 "This is new text"

Note: You may need to run rodo ls first to see which numbers correspond with which item in your list.

List of commands

This section lists and describes rodo’s commands.

Usage examples

rodo init

rodo help

rodo ls

rodo add "this is an item"

rodo rm 1

rodo update 1 "This is new text"